Friday, November 14, 2014

Producing a Blog

I've found myself to be intrigued by blogging for a while now. People use it as a medium to express their opinions, teach others how to do something, or maybe just put their words out on the net, hoping that somebody will want to listen. I guess when I decided this morning to create a blog, I had a similar mindset.

Not sure if this will ever reach anybody other than my friends and family, but it's probably best if I include a bit about myself. My name is Paul Tucker. I'm from a town in Ohio which used to be a pretty B.A. place to live, but really crashed and burned(more on that in another post). Being a Christian, my faith is the most important part of my life. God has buried me under a plethora of blessings that I can never thank Him enough for. I actually attend a private Christian school called Cedarville University where I study film. My dream is to be a film producer in Hollywood, which is where my blog name comes from and where most of the titles for my posts will come from. A lot of who I am will be revealed in various blog posts, so I don't want to reveal too much now :)

This blog will hopefully serve a variety of purposes. I'm not a great writer and I'm only slightly witty, so I have no crazy expectations for this. I hope to use it as a way to share my faith with others, document my work as I attempt to reach my dream career, tell meaningful/funny/embarrassing stories about me, and maybe something cooler ;) I will be posting at least once a week. Make sure to check back every Saturday from now on! :) 

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